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Strong Girls Guide To 4 Common Squat Mistakes

Strong Girls Guide To 4 Common Squat Mistakes


Squatting is a complex, compound movement and is really essential to any strength and fitness program...

Although we highly recommend getting a  professional to help you develop your squat, here are 4 common squat mistakes we see and how to fix them!

Strong Girls Guide: 4 Tips To Improve Your Squat

Strong Girls Guide: 4 Tips To Improve Your Squat

The squat is an essential movement to not only any strength and fitness program but also for everyday functional movement....

If you watch any toddler, you'll see them perform a perfect squat technique to pick object off the ground and stand back up. Our bodies are made to be able to perform this movement...

Is Having Good Movement The Key To Longevity?

Is Having Good Movement The Key To Longevity?

Mobility is an area of health and fitness, which is all too often sorely (pun intended) over looked. There are now studies, which prove how important mobility is for longevity. They show that the more mobile you are, the better quality of life you will have and the longer you will live.

Improve your Squat with these Glute Activation Techniques

Improve your Squat with these Glute Activation Techniques

If you butt is never sore after a workout, never seems to get perkier or you only get sore quads after squats you may need to activate your glutes (butt) before your training.

This will ensure you use your butt in your workout rather than the muscles around it and creates a firm, perky behind :)

Strong Is The New Skinny

Strong Is The New Skinny

As a crossfitter and personal trainer, most of my time is spent around women who can lift heavy weights, do muscle ups and pull ups, row, run, jump, skip, burpee at fast rates and genrally kick butt in the gym/box.

Get A Squatters Booty!

Get A Squatters Booty!

Want to improve your booty?

The Tone Athletica coaches take you through 10 exercises that can help shape and tone your butt!

Just what every girl wants!

Fix Your Posture With These Quick Exercises

Fix Your Posture With These Quick Exercises

We all are guilty of tight shoulders and bad posture.

Coach Georgia and Ellie show you how to open up your shoulders by building strength and stretching so you can stand tall and proud!

Get A Squatters Booty!

Get A Squatters Booty!

Want to improve your booty?

The CrossFit Tone coaches take you through 10 exercises that can help shape and tone your butt!

Just what every girl wants!

When You're A Chick Who Squats

When You're A Chick Who Squats


In your books and mine, you’re awesome…

But you haven’t always seen it that way.

When you said you were going to lift weights you got told ‘don’t get too big’…

You had to overcome these obstacles

Loosen Your Hips To Help Your Squat!

Loosen Your Hips To Help Your Squat!

Can you reach a full depth squat? Think your tight hips might be stopping you?

Coach Elle takes you through a few exercises to loosen your hips to help your squat!

Squat beforehand, try each exercise for a minute and a half and retest your squat afterward!