
3 Crucial Pointers That Make, Not Break, Your Deadlift

3 Crucial Pointers That Make, Not Break, Your Deadlift

There are 3 main pointers your deadlift is missing to INCREASE your strength, REDUCE injury and DEVELOP that peachy behind you’ve been looking for...

I see these 3 points being MISSED all the time by trainers and it’s really a disservice to all the girls out there training…

Deadlifts are one of my FAVOURITE exercise, because they are so technical

Strong Is The New Skinny

Strong Is The New Skinny

As a crossfitter and personal trainer, most of my time is spent around women who can lift heavy weights, do muscle ups and pull ups, row, run, jump, skip, burpee at fast rates and genrally kick butt in the gym/box.

5 Secrets Women Who Train Aren't Telling You!

5 Secrets Women Who Train Aren't Telling You!

We love Training and we have some secrets to tell you!

We are women who love to train and train hard! We desire to learn about how our bodies function and push ourselves to see the best results!

10 Reasons Every Women Should Start Training Now!

10 Reasons Every Women Should Start Training Now!

You need fitness in your life! Here's why:

1. It will change the way you define what’s beautiful

Not happy with what you see in the mirror?

A Letter To My Formerly Unfit Self

 A Letter To My Formerly Unfit Self

Dear formerly unfit self,

I know you think you're fine, and every now again you really think you should get in shape, but then it seems like too much effort. I’m telling you now to start. Just start!

Why I Created Tone Athletica - Elle's Mission

Why I Created Tone Athletica - Elle's Mission

Tone exists to challenge the current way women participate in fitness. Our bodies are made to move and be strong!

We are challenging the status quo of what it means to be a woman and be fit… That performance-based training is superior to aesthetic based training…

Can You Train Strength Whilst Maintaining Femininity?

Can You Train Strength Whilst Maintaining Femininity?

Strength and the New Age Woman.

A change is occurring in the fitness industry. At first, there were a few, but now we are becoming many. The change is the amount of women who lift.

Mums Of The Northern Beaches Take To Weightlifting!

Mums Of The Northern Beaches Take To Weightlifting!

Find out why Mother's are taking to weightlifting and functional fitness!

A new phenomena is arising on the Northern beaches as mums are taking to weightlifting! Thanks to the women of Tone Athletica, a women's functional training studio, Mum’s of all different training back grounds are finding confidence in training weights and loving the results.

How To Stop Judging And Start Loving Yourself

How To Stop Judging And Start Loving Yourself

"Everything I do aims to create change in women’s minds on what they are capable of,

Not only in their fitness, but in their lives.

I want them to discover the amount of strength and power within them and exactly how far they can go.

I want to help them change their mindset so they don’t loathe their body like I did,

Get A Squatters Booty!

Get A Squatters Booty!

Want to improve your booty?

The CrossFit Tone coaches take you through 10 exercises that can help shape and tone your butt!

Just what every girl wants!