
6 Tips That Motivate You To Push Harder In Workouts

6 Tips That Motivate You To Push Harder In Workouts

Get inside a trainers mind and level up: 6 tips to keep you motivated and push harder in workouts

We all have those moments in workouts where we feel like our legs can’t possibly take one more step, where our lungs feel like they are about to explode and even those very small niggles become the biggest issue and we just have to stop.

5 Workouts – You can do without equipment!

5 Workouts – You can do without equipment!

Want to train outside? Here are some awesome workout for you!

Workout Specifics: Movements

Air squat, squat jumps, tuck jumps, lunges, lunge jumps, burpees, push-ups mountain climbers, military sit-ups, v snaps

8 Secrets to Stay Motivated while Training in Winter

8 Secrets to Stay Motivated while Training in Winter

Your bed feels pretty warm and fuzzy at 5am doesn’t it? It’s cold, dark and the thought of getting up makes you really angry.

However, you do have a little motivation behind wanting to train in winter. Didn’t anyone tell you?

Summer bodies are made in winter.

Strong Is The New Skinny

Strong Is The New Skinny

As a crossfitter and personal trainer, most of my time is spent around women who can lift heavy weights, do muscle ups and pull ups, row, run, jump, skip, burpee at fast rates and genrally kick butt in the gym/box.

Summer Ab Workout!

Summer Ab Workout!

Need to get some more abs?

Got 10 minutes to spare in your lounge room?

Get your summer abs with this workout from Coach Elle!