
How Building Muscles Saved Me From Needing To Be Skinny

How Building Muscles Saved Me From Needing To Be Skinny

I’m sure my story is one that many women can relate to

I hated what I saw when I looked in the mirror

I was ashamed of my ‘thick thighs’, ‘broad shoulders’ and ‘cellulite’.

These aspects of my aesthetic were frowned upon in western society.

Women are meant to be tall, slender and smooth.

The first time I realised something was wrong with my body,

Loosen Your Hips To Help Your Squat!

Loosen Your Hips To Help Your Squat!

Can you reach a full depth squat? Think your tight hips might be stopping you?

Coach Elle takes you through a few exercises to loosen your hips to help your squat!

Squat beforehand, try each exercise for a minute and a half and retest your squat afterward!