body love

Am I too Bulky?

Am I too Bulky?

There aren't too many things in life which bug me, but the perpetual fear of women ‘getting too bulky’ if they lift weights is one them.

There are a few reasons for this; shall we have an in-depth look?

Right, screw it, we all need to sit down and have a chat about body image.

Right, screw it, we all need to sit down and have a chat about body image.

Too skinny, too fat, too muscly, too weak, too pale, too dark, too curvy, too flat, too tall, too short, too round, too thin, the list goes on...

This is all I hear about in today’s articles about women’s bodies. We see constant complaints from women about how society is judgemental on their bodies and that it’s not fair.

The Dangers Of #FITSPO

The Dangers Of #FITSPO

We all love a bit of #fitspo.

The tanned skin, the bright Nikes, booty shorts and colourful crops. It’s all very alluring and sexy. However, is it damaging our self-confidence?

As a coach, trainer, and owner of a women’s gym I am extremely concerned about some of the fitness inspiration that seems to be trolling the internet.

Do you want to feel good about yourself and stop hating your body? Well you can with these tricks!

Do you want to feel good about yourself and stop hating your body? Well you can with these tricks!

Learn to love your body

There are some scary statistics about body image out there! It’s really worrying that over 90% of women are unhappy with their body and then resort to crazy diets and ineffective exercise regimes to try and look like the 5% of the women who naturally possess bodies that the magazines tell us we should strive to achieve!

Listen to your Body! 4 Signs You Should Start Taking Note of NOW!

Listen to your Body! 4 Signs You Should Start Taking Note of NOW!

Listening to your body and what it’s trying to tell you may be the best thing you every do for yourself.

Your body communicates with you all the time. It tells you when your tired, when you need to refuel and hydrate, if you are getting sick and need to sleep or if you are too stressed.

However, in recent times its become clear that we deliberately ignore our bodies messages to be able to deal with modern day pressures.

Strong Is The New Skinny

Strong Is The New Skinny

As a crossfitter and personal trainer, most of my time is spent around women who can lift heavy weights, do muscle ups and pull ups, row, run, jump, skip, burpee at fast rates and genrally kick butt in the gym/box.

How To Stop Judging And Start Loving Yourself

How To Stop Judging And Start Loving Yourself

"Everything I do aims to create change in women’s minds on what they are capable of,

Not only in their fitness, but in their lives.

I want them to discover the amount of strength and power within them and exactly how far they can go.

I want to help them change their mindset so they don’t loathe their body like I did,