Elle Belle's Story of Health...
Growing up
From a young age I can remember having a difficult relationship with food.
I can honestly say - I do love food. I love eating.
Elle Belle's Story of Health...
Growing up
From a young age I can remember having a difficult relationship with food.
I can honestly say - I do love food. I love eating.
Don't let the Christmas Festivities get the best of your waistline!
We all know that time of year, the weather is warmer, the cicadas are singing, there are Christmas decorations all around the shopping malls (well they’ve been there since June but anyway!), it's the festive season and it can make things pretty difficult if you are on a lifestyle change.
How much sugar is in your daily yogurt?
Happily consuming your morning yogurt with the belief you are doing your body good? Well it may not be as good for you as you think... Coach Elle delves into hidden sugars in supermarket foods like yogurt in this short video:
Listening to your body and what it’s trying to tell you may be the best thing you every do for yourself.
Your body communicates with you all the time. It tells you when your tired, when you need to refuel and hydrate, if you are getting sick and need to sleep or if you are too stressed.
However, in recent times its become clear that we deliberately ignore our bodies messages to be able to deal with modern day pressures.
Clean eating is not so much about calorie counting, but more about looking at the process of your food from paddock to plate.
Huh? Well think about it, how processed are your foods today? There are many foods we eat without even thinking about how far removed they are from their original form, or what has been added that has been created in a lab.
This recipe is courtesy of my partner Trist, who I must admit does a lot of the cooking in our relationship! However, if you’re looking for a quick, healthy winter warming recipe this one is awesome!
What could you be doing better in your nutrition?
When clients ask me ‘what should I eat’ it's a tough question to answer.
Not because there is no answer but because there is no one answer to fit all.
Struggling to get your 3 litres of water in a day in winter? Elle has some tips for you!
Benefits of staying hydrated are:
Fructose - is this now a dirty word?
Coach Elle looks at the difference between low fructose and high fructose fruit and which ones are best for you health and waistline!