Strong Girls Guide To Rolling Your Upper Body

Strong Girls Guide To Rolling Your Upper Body

Do you find you have tight shoulders? 

Perhaps you're finding it hard to hit the correct overhead position in training?

Or sitting at a desk all day is causing you discomfort?

Strong Girls Guide Around A Barbell!

Strong Girls Guide Around A Barbell!

Weightlifting and being strong are becoming increasingly popular among women! πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈπŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ

Gone are the days we get told to just "go for a run" to get fit. We now know and feel the awesome benefits lifting weights has on our bodies minds and souls! 

The Dangers Of #FITSPO

The Dangers Of #FITSPO

We all love a bit of #fitspo.

The tanned skin, the bright Nikes, booty shorts and colourful crops. It’s all very alluring and sexy. However, is it damaging our self-confidence?

As a coach, trainer, and owner of a women’s gym I am extremely concerned about some of the fitness inspiration that seems to be trolling the internet.

Strong Girls Guide To A Killer Core

Strong Girls Guide To A Killer Core

Many people refer to the core as your abdominal muscles,

But in reality, your core constitutes of all the muscles that hold up your spine...

This is obviously a really important area to create strength in if you want to avoid back pain and be strong! πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈπŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈπŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ

5 Ways To Improve Your Sleep

5 Ways To Improve Your Sleep

Sleep is a vital part of life and while sleeping your body and mind receives many benefits that can help you in your life.

Better moods, more alert, clearer thinking, higher immunity, increased memory, looking more attractive, lower chance of chronic/lifestyle disease, less stress, better sex and weight management are all attributed to getting the recommended 8 hours an night of zzz.

Eat. Lift. Sleep. Repeat

Eat. Lift. Sleep. Repeat

Why is Eat. Lift, Sleep. Repeat so important?

Yep these three important components make up an all round healthy daily routine. Why? Lets find out!

Eating: You're doing it wrong!

Eating: You're doing it wrong!

Elle Belle's Story of Health...

Growing up

From a young age I can remember having a difficult relationship with food. 

I can honestly say - I do love food. I love eating.

You can improve your pelvic floor with these exercises!

You can improve your pelvic floor with these exercises!

Use these exercises to get a better pelvic floor!

Right, now (as per the previous blog about incontinencewe know that we can avoid incontinence and even improve our current situation. However, it can be hard to pinpoint how we achieve pelvic floor contraction.

How you can stop your weak pelvic floor inhibiting your workout

How you can stop your weak pelvic floor inhibiting your workout


1 in 3 women post childbirth experience it and 1/5 of high impact athletes have it but all deal with it more often than not silently. Why?

Strong Girls Guide To Bullet Proof Shoulders

Strong Girls Guide To Bullet Proof Shoulders

Do you find you have shoulder niggles and pains?

Well, coach Elle and the Fit Physio Kalya are here to show you some easy exercises designed to strengthen your rotator cuffs and therefore reduce and shoulder pain or niggle you may have!