The Secret to becoming a Wonder Woman at Work!

The Secret to becoming a Wonder Woman at Work!

Become more productive at work!

If you have aspirations to climb the corporate ladder and be a successful businesswoman, you know you will do everything possible to make sure your mind and body are in top shape to take on the corporate big shots.

Women in high-end jobs, need to be on top of their game.  They need to be organised, productive, time efficient and disciplined in their lives.  

The Strong Girls Guide To Achieving Your First Push Up!

The Strong Girls Guide To Achieving Your First Push Up!

Is it time to learn how to do push ups on your toes? 

Push ups are a great full body exercise which requires not only a strong upper body but core and glutes! Doing a push up properly shows strength, practise and determination! 

What Exactly is Functional Fitness

What Exactly is Functional Fitness

I feel this definition gets thrown around a lot these days, but at the core it simply means training that is functional to whatever life throws at you.

Functional movement refers to movements we use every day which are the most efficient for our body. Movements that our body is naturally able to perform.

The Strong Girls Guide To Getting Your First Pull Up!

The Strong Girls Guide To Getting Your First Pull Up!

There's a new trend in our industry - women who want a strong upper body! 

One of the more popular movements... the strict pull-up! It demands strength, dedication, and determination!

A strong upper body is the key to a happy and healthy life! And we're here to show you how to get your first strict pull up using these 4 strengthening exercises!


6 Tips That Motivate You To Push Harder In Workouts

6 Tips That Motivate You To Push Harder In Workouts

Get inside a trainers mind and level up: 6 tips to keep you motivated and push harder in workouts

We all have those moments in workouts where we feel like our legs can’t possibly take one more step, where our lungs feel like they are about to explode and even those very small niggles become the biggest issue and we just have to stop.

What all mum's ought to know about being fit.

What all mum's ought to know about being fit.

Why all mothers should get in shape!

Being a Mum is hard work, whether you have a newborn baby or 3 kids under 5. 

The issues faced by mums getting the kids through the day, can be stressful and can sometimes, be overwhelming – and that's on a "good" nights sleep!

How to Stop Yourself from Sabotaging your Success!

How to Stop Yourself from Sabotaging your Success!

Creating goals and achieving them can give us a massive dose of self-satisfaction, confidence and happiness. But many people who set goals, seem to fail at them before they even start.

Remember that last diet you went on? The one that lasted 2 hours? Why did it fail? How can you set your goals and actually achieve them?

The Best Beauty Product Is Eating Well!

The Best Beauty Product Is Eating Well!

They say you are what you eat.

The first aspect of eating well for your beauty that you have to understand is that when you eat food, that food is broken down for it’s nutritional value. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids form the building blocks of all the cells in your body.

6 Reasons Summer Training Is The BEST!

6 Reasons Summer Training Is The BEST!

We love training in Summer! Here's why:

Although many people can find summer a time where they dislike working out, I'd say the opposite is true and you can really enjoy training in summer!

The sun is shining, it’s warm and people are buzzing!

Who are the Women who Lift Weights?

Who are the Women who Lift Weights?

The Tone Coaches show you why weightlifting is so awesome for women!

We love training here at Tone and we love lifting weights as part of that training! If you have ever wondered why women lift weights please watch to find out!