Is Getting A Thigh Gap Really Going To Make You Happy?

Is Getting A Thigh Gap Really Going To Make You Happy?

Our Instagram, Facebook and social media is flooded with images that tell us we aren’t good enough.

It's hounded with images like these that tell you what you are supposed to strive for - the epitome of beauty.

So I put this question to you…

Is getting a thigh gap really going to make you happy? Is focusing on aesthetics your whole life going to be worth it?

When You're A Chick Who Squats

When You're A Chick Who Squats


In your books and mine, you’re awesome…

But you haven’t always seen it that way.

When you said you were going to lift weights you got told ‘don’t get too big’…

You had to overcome these obstacles

Loosen Your Hips To Help Your Squat!

Loosen Your Hips To Help Your Squat!

Can you reach a full depth squat? Think your tight hips might be stopping you?

Coach Elle takes you through a few exercises to loosen your hips to help your squat!

Squat beforehand, try each exercise for a minute and a half and retest your squat afterward!

Tone Athletica Dictionary... When You Want To Train, But You Are Confused By The Terminology!

Tone Athletica Dictionary... When You Want To Train, But You Are Confused By The Terminology!

We can all get a little confused by the Tone lingo at some time.

So we created a video to show you the movements and have a list which explains the terminology.