strong girls guide

Strong Girls Guide To Functional Shoulders & Upper Back

Strong Girls Guide To Functional Shoulders & Upper Back

Are you getting told you have overactive or tight upper traps in training?

Do you find you get tension headaches or that your upper traps are super tight during the day?

In this video, we teach you to:

Strong Girls Guide To Kipping

Strong Girls Guide To Kipping

Gymnastics movements can be hard!

Kipping is a really important moment used commonly in toe to bar and kipping pull-ups. But it's important to get the fundamentals right first! 

Strong Girls Guide To Glute Activation

Strong Girls Guide To Glute Activation

🍑🍑🍑 It's time to create buns of steel! 🍑🍑🍑

Coach Elle and Coach Gee take you through a bunch of easy exercises you can do to activate your glutes!

Why? To make sure your glutes are working optimally in big compound movements like squats and deadlifts!

Strong Girls Guide To Avoiding Knee Pain

Strong Girls Guide To Avoiding Knee Pain

Do you get niggles and twinges in your knees when you train?

Are you super cautious in training because you're worried about your knees?

While it's always prudent to get a full diagnosis on why you have knee pain, we've put together a few exercises which will help strengthen the muscles that hold your knee in place and loosen the ones that might be pulling on the knee causing pain!