6 Smart Workouts For Female Fitness Fanatics
Welcome Ladies!
Please see below our awesome 6 workouts
We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions as we are happy to help scale or change any of the movements depending on injury, ability etc!
Please enjoy!
Workout 1: Leg Burner
12 Minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
24 Lunges + 24 Air Squats + 12 Burpees + 12 Broad Jumps
Workout 2: Gymnastics Workout
4 rounds
10 Backrolls to Standing + 20m Bear Crawl + 10 Push Ups + 20 Kick Throughs
Workout 3: Death By Burpees Challenge
100 Burpees AFAP (as fast as possible), 7 minute cap
Workout 4: Sprinter
1 Round, 200m Run In-between Each Exercise
40 High Knees, 40 Mountain Climbers, 40 Touch & Go, 40 Courtesy Lunges, 40 Star Jumps
Workout 5: Springbok
3 Rounds - 60 High Knees + 20 Squat Jumps + 15 Athletic Burpees + 10 Lunge Jumps
Workout 6: Ab Crusher
3 Rounds, 45 Seconds of Each Exercise
Sit Ups, Russian Twist, Hollow Hold, Plank