Why Being Self Deprecating Is Killing Your Potential
"I am grateful for the body I have and am moving towards being fitter, healthier and stronger!"
As women, I’m sure many of you have experienced that tiny voice inside your head…
That one that tells you your thighs look crap in this,
That you should lose the rolls on your belly
That you should feel disgusted with yourself when you look in the mirror
This habit is a huge problem when it comes to self-improvement whether you want to get fitter, eat better, be a better mother or pursue a career…
The mind believes what you tell it and if you constantly tell yourself you are worthless, you will start to believe what you are telling yourself
Now I don’t know about you, but a few years ago, I found myself sick of wasting my time and energy telling myself things that simply weren’t true or serving me.
I wasn’t going to be the best version of myself by sprouting this crap
I made a conscious effort every time that little voice started to talk to say
Ok cool, I know what you’re saying but I believe I am beautiful, with cellulite, thick thighs, and muscle even if it's not seen as ‘the best body’ by society
I accept my shortcoming and move towards being as healthy and happy as possible
I love what my body can do and what it is capable of!
So, if you want to be the best version of yourself possible
Start by talking to yourself the same way you would like to think!
Take our 7 Day Body Love Challenge…
Each day for 7 days, your challenged to write the sentence “I am grateful for the body I have and am moving towards being fitter, healthier and stronger!”
It may seem a bit silly but it’s a powerful tactic to help your subconscious get rid of the self-depreciation!
It takes 2 minutes and it’s damn useful!
So take the challenge today!